John has written five books about historic golf clubs on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Four were in collaboration with photographer Anthony Edgeworth, and the fifth, The Story of Golf at The Country Club, which won the USGA's annual literary prize, was a solo effort.

Legendary Golf Clubs of Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland
An intimate and splendidly produced portrait of twelve legendary clubs whose history is an integral part of the game of golf.
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Legendary Golf Clubs of the American East
Photographs by Anthony Edgeworth This book, a sequel to the acclaimed Legendary Golf Clubs of Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland,…
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Legendary Golf Links of Ireland
This book embraces sixteen of the Emerald Isle’s golf clubs that share the world’s finest and most intriguing links courses, and the unmatched camaraderie of the Irish golfing community.
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Legendary Golf Clubs of the American Midwest
Twelve of the Midwest’s oldest and most respected clubs are lavishly and intimately profiled in this 416-page book.
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The Story of Golf at the Country Club
For more than a century, The Country Club founded in Brookline, near Boston, in 1882, has played a seminal role in the history of American golf.
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